The Arboretum: Murray's Secret Garden of Eden

By Sara Loncarevic

Being a student at Murray State University is a blessing for most of us. We communicate, meet people, make friends that will last for a lifetime, and have the opportunity to get an education. We learn about ourselves, we discover who we are, and the way we want to live our lives. Studying can be stressful so we always try to escape the pressure, but where can that be? As students, sometimes we want to escape the campus, breathe, or meet with one or two friends just to enjoy the present moment and share our lives. Well, there is one beautiful and peaceful place in Murray that can do all of that, it is: the Arboretum. 

The Arboretum is a public educational display garden that opened in Fall 2013 and is located on the Pullen Farm at 300 Hickory Drive in Murray. There are a variety of things you could do at the Arboretum at all ages! 

Photo by: Lucila Puente Rodriguez

Photo by: Lucila Puente Rodriguez

It is a great place to go for a walk or a run with your dog, with some friends, or by yourself. The Arboretum is surrounded by nature with flowers and trees covering the whole site. Moreover, if you want any tips, you should listen now: most people say that the Arboretum is a really nice and well-thought place for a casual date especially when you can watch the sunset!

The Arboretum is a great spot for a picnic. The place has several picnic tables, so don’t wait too long to have a great homemade picnic with your friends and family. If it happens to be your cheat day, go grab your fast food order and enjoy it at the Arboretum because you deserved it! I promise, after a long week, it is totally worth it! 

The Arboretum allows you to escape and disconnect from the world for a little bit. Many people like spending their time reading or having Bible studies there. 

“When I would go, I knew that would be the perfect place to really focus on God,” MSU Alumni, Hannah Rickard said. “It provides the ideal atmosphere for escaping reality and tuning in to God’s voice. For me to realize that what I achieved academically wasn’t worth the stress because it doesn’t matter at the end of this life, I needed a place that provided peace and quiet.”

Photo by: Lucila Puente Rodriguez

Photo by: Lucila Puente Rodriguez

Photography lovers, you won’t be disappointed with this place! At the Arboretum, you can catch some beautiful pictures of your friends between the trees and flowers. You can catch the prettiest sunsets and it can be a good spot for graduation pictures. The Arboretum allows you to explore your creativity and enjoy your passion!

The cascade, trees and, flowers all along the walking trail are what make the Arboretum’s landscape so unique.

These are a few of the many things the Arboretum can provide for you, we can’t wait for you to visit and experience nature, joy and peace.

Photo by: Shelby Murphy

Photo by: Shelby Murphy

Dr. Marcie Hinton

Public relations scholar and professor, Dr. Marcie Hinton ponders the intersection of writing and action. From grassroots communication efforts to a student discovering the power of the written word, she lives to sort out the wreckage at that intersection. In the classroom, she uses writing exercises and case studies to make her points, but her favorite thing to do is take students to places like London to compare British mass media models to American counterparts. While in London, she takes students on Harry Potter’s journey from books and movies to theme parks and merchandising. Her scholarship and professional service is a mix of grassroots public relations, Martha Gellhorn’s war-torn travel writing and promoting the arts. She reads magazines, books and cookbooks, but takes special interest in travel essays and pasta recipes.

Her latest work is in the form of a case studies book called "Applied Public Relations: Cases in Stakeholder Management," which she co-authored with Dr. Kathy Brittain Richardson.

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